If you were injured on someone else’s property, you may be entitled to compensation. When you slip, trip, or fall due to a dangerous condition that could have been prevented, the person who owns the premises can be held legally responsible for your injuries and losses. Under Nevada’s premises liability laws, property owners must take precautions to ensure their guests are safe from anything that could cause harm. For example, if you slip and fall in a grocery store due to spilled liquid or another similar hazard that the store owner failed to address in a timely fashion, you could have a personal injury claim.

When someone else’s negligence causes you to sustain serious injuries, there is no reason you should be left to cope with the financial fallout on your own. Contact our office to schedule a free and confidential consultation with a Reno slip and fall lawyer to discuss your legal rights and remedies.

Premises Liability Law in Nevada

Nevada’s premises liability laws assign property owners with certain obligations to their guests. The amount of responsibility a property owner owes someone depends on the reason the person is on their premises. Generally speaking, a person who sustains injuries on another person’s property may bring a claim if they prove the following elements:

  • The defendant owns or is in control of the premises
  • The injured person was on the property with the owner’s consent
  • A dangerous condition existed
  • The defendant caused, was aware of, or should have known of the alleged hazard
  • The dangerous condition was the direct cause of injuries and other damages

The person filing the lawsuit has the burden of proving their claim by a preponderance of the evidence, meaning it was more likely than not that the defendant’s conduct caused their injury. A Reno slip and fall attorney from our firm could help an injured person understand their rights as a visitor on someone else’s property.

Common Reasons for Slips and Falls

Most slip and fall accidents happen due to unsafe floors or other obstructions. A successful claim requires proof of a hazardous condition that the property owner ignored, overlooked, or failed to address. Dangerous conditions that could cause someone to slip and fall include:

  • Poor lighting
  • Missing handrails
  • Spilled liquids or food
  • Uneven or narrow stairwells
  • Uneven or cracked sidewalks or pavement
  • Slippery or icy parking lots or walkways

A Reno slip and fall attorney could review the details of an accident to determine its cause and whether a property owner or manager could be held responsible for the damages.

Recoverable Damages in a Slip and Fall Lawsuit

Someone injured in a slip and fall incident could recover damages – the legal word for compensation – based on their economic and non-economic losses. Economic losses include past and future medical treatment, such as hospital care, surgery, and other incidental expenses as well as lost wages or a diminished working capacity.

Non-economic damages compensate an injured person for their subjective losses that are not as easily quantifiable, like pain and suffering, emotional distress, and physical impairment. An experienced slip and fall lawyer in Reno could work with an injured person to determine what their applicable damages are and present evidence to prove the extent of their losses.

In Nevada, a person only has two years to file a claim against the property owner or person in charge of managing the premises, so it is crucial to consult an attorney early on or risk losing the right to compensation.

Contact a Reno Slip and Fall Attorney Today

When you or a loved one sustains an injury due to a dangerous condition on someone else’s property, contact a Reno slip and fall lawyer to evaluate your situation. We understand that after an accident you could incur significant medical expenses and lost wages due to your injuries. Our dedicated team is here to advocate for the compensation you need, so you can focus entirely on your recovery. Call us today to set up an initial consultation.